Fri Jun 22 17:28:00 CST 2018 发布人:华诚小编

近日,国际权威知识产权媒体《知识产权资产管理》(Intellectual Asset Management,简称IAM)公布了其“2018年IAM全球专利1000强”(IAM Patent 1000)评选结果,华诚再度荣登“中国专利诉讼和交易领域顶级律师事务所”榜单。



Patrons on the lookout for comprehensive, insightful guidance at each stage of the IP lifecycle would do well to instruct Watson & Band. Split across eight divisions, the prosecution arm ably covers all bases. Conveniently situated near the Yangtze River Delta, the firm places a strong emphasis on assisting the area’s technology start-up scene to patent their inventions and is currently developing a fully fledged practice dedicated to their needs. Where the office truly justifies its inclusion in the guide, however, is in its talented litigation department; the team excels in dispatching contentious challenges and offers a potent draw for Fortune 500 companies. Playing a crucial role in infringement and invalidation proceedings, Jianguo Huang is a key contact for interested parties.

作为世界顶级的专利刊物,IAM Patent 1000专门为世界主要司法管辖区内的专利权威人士与专利公司提供个性化指南,并且也是全球知识产权界唯一提供在专利申请、专利诉讼业务方面一流从业者名单及其排名的一站式指南性刊物。

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