华诚荣誉 | The Legal 500 2022亚太榜单公布:华诚知识产权诉讼和非讼领域再度登榜
Fri Jan 14 16:05:00 CST 2022 发布人:华诚小编

1月12日,《法律500强》(The Legal 500)2022亚太榜单正式发布。华诚在知识产权诉讼和知识产权非讼两大领域再度登榜,斩获佳绩。






“Watson & Band's team, which includes both lawyers and agents, is equally strong in contentious and non-contentious work, and advises a number of well-known multinational companies from the tech and fashion sectors. The firm, which has an extensive office network covering most of China's major cities, is experienced in both trademark and patent issues, assisting with licensing, filing and prosecution. Managing partner Jean Yang is one of the key team members, while Jianguo Huang focuses on patent litigation.

Other key lawyers include Joe Liu, Xiaobo He, Cathy Wu, Hua Xiao, Yingcong Xu, Liming Zhang and Guohua Tang”

— The Legal 500


The Legal 500成立至今已有逾30年的历史,是公认的世界最大的独立法律评级机构之一。The Legal 500每年进行一次排名,针对各司法区的法律市场提供客观的评价及预测,排名基于对每个司法区广泛的调研。该调研覆盖各家律所并收集了几十万客户对自己律师的反馈,其严格的评级标准确保获推荐的律所和律师都是界内的佼佼者。

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